For New Zealand residents only
We are pleased to announce that there are a limited number of 2022 International Gambling Conference (IGC 2022) scholarships available for New Zealand residents.
These scholarships will cover the registration fee, which includes morning and afternoon teas and lunches during the conference (if the attendee is physically travelling to the conference). Scholarships are also available for New Zealand residents attending virtually. Attendees living in Auckland will be responsible for their own accommodation, travel arrangements and any additional costs. For attendees living outside of Auckland and travelling to the conference, the scholarship will also cover accommodation and travel costs (organised by the conference committee). Personal expenses are not included in the scholarship.
Purpose of the Scholarship
One of the objectives of the conference is to share knowledge, information and experience across countries to enable problem gambling treatment and public health service providers, research organisations, and government to work more effectively in preventing and minimising gambling-related harm. The conference thus aims to include a diverse range of individuals to represent a broad range of perspectives and experiential knowledge.
We understand that lack of funding resources may mean that some individuals may not be able to participate. The purpose of the scholarship is to support the participation of such individuals.
Scholarship Terms and Conditions
Clinicians/counsellors/case workers, public health workers, community action group members, and individuals with lived experience who would not be able to attend IGC 2022 in Auckland without the benefit of this scholarship, are welcome to apply. These scholarships are only available to New Zealand residents.
Following the conference, scholarship recipients must be willing to write a brief report on knowledge and experiences gained and/or shared at the conference. This report will need to be submitted to the conference organising committee within three weeks of attending the conference. Failure to submit a report may result in the attendee’s organisation (or the attendee) being invoiced for all conference-related charges.
Please pass this along to any group, organisation or individual that may fit the above criteria for the scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact: Andrée Froude on 09 369 0723 or
To be considered please complete the application form here. Scholarship applications must be received no later than Friday 29 April 2022.